Academy Press Release 29/4/2020
General Update
We are already putting plans in place for next year’s Football Academy & Education Scholarship with some fantastic fixtures, preseason training and new equipment to look forward to despite the Coronavirus pandemic.
We are also hoping to get the students together in the near future, following the Government guidance about Covid-19 for some seasons of football along with our end of season awards ceremony.
College Work
We have now been teaching remotely since the latter part of March and the learning and engagement from the students along with the way they have transition has been excellent. We have been delighted with the engagement levels and the number of students that have passed the Sport Vocational course is outstanding and a real credit to them. Well done!
We still have the capability to recruit a few more Year Eleven (school leavers) into our Academy for September 2020. We will be offering preseason-training camps throughout August (should Government laws allow us to) and would encourage any students that want to train, learn and gain qualifications in a football environment, at Netherton Utd FC to enrol and sign up now. We train for a minimum of twelve hours of football a week; We operate a four day week and play in a number of different leagues at various levels at Netherton Utd FC from first team to AOC college Leagues. Students will leave with an array of qualifications and career experiences helping them step into their next phase of life.
Leaving Sixth form or College
We are now able to offer a number of qualifications to students that would like to continue their studies and gain a National Recognised qualification which will help with employment in a number of sporting sectors. The qualifications we are offering are completely free.
Academy Director, Glenn Vaughan said “The year came to a quick end following the closure of the site but this hasn’t stopped out students as they have continued to work hard at home and majority have finished the Vocation course and we have been receiving images and videos of their work outs”. “This is a real credit to themselves and their work ethic.”
He also added “ The new qualifications we have put in place for September 2020 will offer college and sixth form leavers some hands on training whilst still being able to play in our weekly fixtures”.